Download PDF resume here.


Data analyst and speech scientist specializing in quantitative and computational projects.Technical expertise in data visualization, statistical modeling, and application building. Domain expertise in linguistics, acoustics, cognitive science, and public-sector collective impact and advocacy work.


Senior data analyst, Ingenuity Inc. (November 2018 - present)

  • Maintain database of the arts in 650 schools and 1400+ non-profit organizations
  • Conduct analyses to guide district, city, and state-wide education policy
  • Provide ad-hoc reports and data visualizations for non-profits and philanthropies
  • Develop custom applications and dashboards to support data-driven decision-making

Lecturer, ViaX Education (August - December 2018, January 2020 - present)

  • Develop and teach online research courses and tutorials for undergraduates
  • Advise student projects and teach research, statistical, and programming skills
  • Provide guidance on higher education admissions and conference presentations

Postdoctoral research associate and lecturer, Northwestern University

  • Designed experiments and ran statistical analyses of linguistic data and corpora
  • Implemented speech algorithms and processing pipelines for acoustic speech data
  • Secured $500K in internal and national (NIH) grant funding to support research
  • Taught linguistics courses and provided advising to 100+ cognitive science majors

Contracted linguist, various organizations

  • Appen (2018): Created parses of text data to support the development of natural language understanding/generation systems in collaboration with large remote team
  • Duolingo (2017): Developed test items of varying grammatical and lexical complexity for English language teaching program
  • Powerset (2010): Annotated semantic features in corpora to support development of NLP-based search engine


Ph.D. in Linguistics , University of California, Berkeley (2015)

M.A. in Linguistics , University of California, Berkeley (2011)

B.A. in Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences , Wellesley College (2009)

Visiting student, National University of Ireland, Galway (2008)

Technical skills: R (including tidyverse, shiny, dbplyr, ggplot2, lme4, markdown), SQL, Praat, LaTeX, Python, Jupyter, MatLab

Analytic skills: Statistical modeling, data visualization, data app construction, acoustic speech analysis, neural data processing, phonetic transcription

Languages: English (native), Spanish (intermediate classroom), Finnish (beginning classroom), Garifuna (fieldwork)


More details here.

Cibelli, E. (2020). Articulatory and perceptual cues to non-native phoneme perception: Cross-modal training for early learners. Second Language Research. Second Language Research.

Cibelli, E. (2020). Training non-native consonant production with perceptual and articulatory cues. Phonetica, 77 (1), 1-28.

Ingenuity, Inc. (2019). 2017-18 State of the Arts in Chicago Public Schools.

Sichlinger, L., Cibelli, E., Mittal, V., & Goldrick, M. (2019). Clinical correlates of aberrant conversational turn-taking in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 204, 419.

Goldrick, M., McClain, R., Cibelli, E., Adi, Y., Gustafson, E., Moers, C., & Keshet, J. (2018). The influence of lexical selection disruptions on articulation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45(6), 1107-1141.

Adi, Y., Keshet, J., Cibelli, E., Gustafson, E., Clopper, C., and Goldrick, M. (2016). Automatic measurement of vowel duration via structured prediction. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140 (6), 4517-4527.

Cibelli, E.*, Xu, Y.*, Austerweil, J., Griffiths, T., and Regier, T. (2016). The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and probabilistic inference: Evidence from the domain of color. PLOS ONE, 11.7, e0158725.
*Co-first authors.

Cibelli, E.S., Leonard, M.K., Johnson, K., & Chang, E.F. (2015). The influence of lexical statistics on temporal lobe cortical dynamics during spoken word listening. Brain and Language 147, 66-75.


Review panel member, ArtsEdSearch (2019-20)

Volunteer, Lakeview Pantry (2018)

Ad-hoc reviewer, Cognitive Science Society , Second Language Research , Cognition , Neurospychologia , Phonetica (2016-18)

Volunteer data scientist, Chi Hack Night (2017)

Office manager, Berkeley Linguistics Society (2011)